Wednesday, September 22, 2010


ive completed the advanced level of the CSI game. It was quite fun.
I rate it 8/10.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Books and Cartoon creation Site

A free to register site - you can create meaningful or otherwise - cartoons and books. All the tools are embedded in the site, and it is very interactive. You are able to view the works of others and many are clever pieces of work. You could also waste a lot of time having fun with this site in your holidays! Rated 9/10.

Cyber Info from 'Missing Persons' Site - Outstanding

A very worthwhile site - "Missing and Exploited' website. Great videos based on real-life stories relating to cyber issues. Check these out. 10/10
I have decided to continue posting great sites that may help you and anyone else needing online tools to achieve learning outcomes, or becoming online publishers, or digital contributors. This site will be opened up to any senior student from our school this year who would like to participate.

Ask a Librarian - National Library NZ

We talked about this site in class - good one to store for High School - you will be amazed at how a librarian can help you in your search for data and information. Don't forget to enlist the help of local libraries and staff also - they usually always want to help you get the best information possible. High School assignments are going to demand depth and complexity of ideas and supporting information.

Kids News Site - Easy to find latest news

This is a great site - don't be put off by the "kiwi kids' title - it is real news, latest and greatest, updated regularly. It is very quick and easy to locate local and international news without the huge navigation efforts needed when going onto TVNZ etc. Rated highly!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Marvin -

This is a screen shot of Marvin - check out Guy's post re Marvin.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

8GE Web 2 Tools: CSI Web Adventure - Fantastic science site

I was on the CSI web site and i completed the intermediate level. I rate this 10 out of 10.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

CSI Web Adventure - Fantastic science site

The Web adventure we have been working on in class - outstanding site, fully interactive, and quite challenging for all students - three levels - Rookie, Intermediate and Advanced. Covers many aspects of forensic science, while solving cases with the CSI team. Real learning in an engaging format. I rate this 10/10.

8GE students, what do you think?

take a screen shot

Guy, try taking a 'screen shot' of the 'Marvin 30 day trial page' and posting that up -

Monday, September 6, 2010


I thaught that the Marvin thing that we did was great so I went looking around and I found this. It is great, Its a 30 day trial for Marvin. I have downloaded it and it is awsome.